Wednesday 12 November 2008

shot types

match on action :
this is when one shot cuts to another view that matches the action and pace of the first shot. This gives the illusion that the character is moving through two cuts and not two pieces of film cut together.

Shot reverse :
This is a film technique that shows one character looking at another character, and then is repeated to show the other character looking back at the first character. This gives the audience the illusion that the characters are looking at each other because the characters are shown facing opposite directions.

180 degree rule :
this is a basic film rule were two characters in the same scene always have the same left/right relationship to each other. The camera has to make sure that it doesn't cross the 180 degree line unless you visually show it changing sides. If the camera does change sides and crosses the middle axis this would be a reverse angle.


GDS said...

Effective explanation of key terms.

GDS said...

Rose - Do you have the planning for your short preliminary filming task? You need to upload the storyboards, shot list and script for the 1 minute continuity task.