Thursday 8 January 2009

Perfume Advert

For my cosmetic advert i focused on the idea of a moisturiser. Everybody else seemed to be doing a perfume advert and i thought it would interesting to work with a different product. I quickly developed ideas about how i would like my advert to come across,the colours i would use and the slogan.
I thought the slogan was particularly strong-'bring out the panther in you'. The panther may be a strange animal to link with a moisturiser but i felt that a panther is a very flawless,slinky and elegant , all the qualities someone would want to find in a moisturiser.As soon as the slogan came to me i started to look on the Internet for images of panthers.
I firstly had a idea of Lot's of panthers in a collage with the bottle of the moisturiser in the middle of the page with a green glow around the bottle to draw the consumer's eye to it. This idea was good and i was able to access Lot's of suitable images on the Internet but i was concerned that the material was all the work of others. i therefore decide to include some of my own work- my photography-in the advert to give it a unique spin.
I took a photograph of my friend Tess, i decided straight a way that i wanted a close-up of her face because I'd found a particularly good Internet image of a panther's face and i thought i could merge the two of them together on photo shop. I realised this was quite ambitious and it took me a long time to do. I t looked quite unprofessional until i worked out that i need to layer the images and rub away parts and repeat this process until the panther had human qualities.
After this i realised the image was too scary and would frighten the consumer which was the opposite effect i wanted. Therefore i decided i would approach it differently.I was intrigued by the Marc Jacob's adverts. H e uses simple designs-usually a white box to frame the image which focuses the eye. The images within the box are usually quite plain but with a quirky element too, for example a long shot of a model in his clothes with a black background standing in a pool of glitter. H e also use a font style which is very formal, all capitals. Overall the effect is clean and controlled,businesslike but with a twist.
I wanted to do something similar but make it my own. I took a different close-up shot of my friend Tess, i edited it on iPhoto,Apple Mac. I made he image Black and White but enhanced it so her face is a bright white which immediately draws attention to it. I then transferred this image to Photo shop placing it on a black A4 background.
I then soured a panther shot which was also a close-up and placed this next to the image of Tess. I changed the panther shot from colour to black and white, so it would match the other image. I then shrunk it into a box which i placed near the top of my advert page, mirroring the way Marc Jacob uses boxes. I then had space to position my moisturiser bottle which was a crystal bottle, an image taken from the Internet. i reworked this bottle image merging it into the black background. In order to make the bottle stand out i tried surrounding it with a neon glow but it wasn't bright enough. I finally decide to enhance the normal low on the bottle until it looked like individual coloured lights (dark blues,Green and purple) picking out the bottle's curves and shapes.
I then set to work on the text. The font i selected was Zapfino because it's smooth and curvy like a panther moving through a forest, cat like. I chose Sleek for the name of the moisturiser again because it referenced panther- like qualities and also because it's a nice,short word which rolls off the tongue. I wanted the name to be big and bold so that the consumer remembers it . I put at the top of the page in the left hand corner (because people read from the left to the right in this country) and i manipulated it so it resembled the body of a arching big cat.
My slogan-bring out the panther in you-was placed in the middle of the page separating the image the of faces and that of the bottle.
My final piece of text was placed right at the bottom of the page in small font. This described how the product works, using aspirational words like Flawless to create desire in the customers for the product.
I now had the whole advert laid out and could add the finishing touched. The plain white text looked boring so i changed the colour to black and outlined with a neon glow in white, so the letters look like they're escaping from the page.
The my advert was complete.
My advert is directed at groups C1 and C2 of the population-the semi-professional,aspirational classes. Most products are aimed at this group who wish to but into a certain lifestyle. The lower class groups wouldn't have the spare money to buy the product and the higher groups have no need to follow trends.

Monday 15 December 2008

G321 preliminary task film

Here is the video for the preliminary task:

Tuesday 2 December 2008

continuity task planning.

This is the script for the continuity task i you can't see it very well but i have manage to get it up :)

This i the story board for unit G321:

1.a mid shot or a close up shot of the girl smoking in the toilet.
2.We then have a close up / mid shot of the teacher looking angry.
3. We have a mid shot of the teachers point of view looking into the toilets through the window, she can see the smoke coming up from the toilet.
4.We then have a long shot of the teacher coming through the doors from outside to go into the girls toilets.
5. We then have a close up shot of the teachers hand opening the door.
6. We have a long/mid shot of the teacher coming through the door she is angry.
7.i think the next shot is the reverse shot of the girl looking under the toilet door (this is in the teachers point of view).
8. we next see the the girls point of view of the teacher reverse/worm eye.
9. we have a mid shot of the teacher and girl talking the girl has just come out of the toilet.
10. we have 180 degree shot of the girl looking at the teacher she is getting told off by the teacher.
11. 180 shot of the teacher telling the girl to go to her office.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

shot types

match on action :
this is when one shot cuts to another view that matches the action and pace of the first shot. This gives the illusion that the character is moving through two cuts and not two pieces of film cut together.

Shot reverse :
This is a film technique that shows one character looking at another character, and then is repeated to show the other character looking back at the first character. This gives the audience the illusion that the characters are looking at each other because the characters are shown facing opposite directions.

180 degree rule :
this is a basic film rule were two characters in the same scene always have the same left/right relationship to each other. The camera has to make sure that it doesn't cross the 180 degree line unless you visually show it changing sides. If the camera does change sides and crosses the middle axis this would be a reverse angle.

Thursday 23 October 2008

Analysis of two adverts

My 1st advert that I picked was coco madimoiselle by Chanel. It shows a mid-shot of Keria Knighty wearing nothing but a shirt draped over legs and bowler hat to cover her chest. Orignally this advert had Kate Moss as the model but after the cocaine Kate scandle she was drop because of the ethos of the company. Chanel picked Keria to be the new face of coco madimoiselle because as a channel spokeman said “ we think that Keria is perfect because she is always incredibly alluring and seductive”. The advert that shows keria naked gives the empression to the female audience that if you wear this perfume you will become like keria “alluring and seductive” to any man possible. The use of the lighting creates a sexy and provocative enivorment for Keria to pose in, the also use of the lighting is that highlights parts of he body that appeal to both men and women who would think to buy this perfume for themselves or a partner. Another part that creates the alluring and seductive atmosphere is the use of black background and the black bowler hat, black is usally seen as a sexy and dangerous colour that normally creates a unknown mystery what this advert outlines by the use of the Keria wearing nothing and the props that she is using makes you wonder who’s clothes are they and why is she posed like that with those props.
My second point is the way the advert creates glamour, firstly is the model Keria she is seen to many as a very successful and glamorous actress and this advert creates this by using her as the face of the perfume. The little touches that are added to the photograph add some glamour as well by the diamond necklace that is known to be a sign of glamour and wealth among many, The use bowler hat and shirt which is seen as ageless sign of glamour. In addition the shapes of the bottle also create glamour by the lid that is shaped like a gem, gems are usually seen as desirable and attractive to anybody. Furthermore, the use of the name Chanel (that is place at the top of the advert in bold white lettering) has always been seen as up market and posh and that creates the advert final bit of glamour.
My last point of this advert is the use of the timeless quality, Coco Chanel is known worldwide for being a timeless face of fashion and style and the use of using Coco and Chanel on the advert creates this timeless atmosphere because even though she has been dead for many years she is still well known and this will make anyone want to buy the perfume. As well of the use as Keria as the face of the perfume who has been seen as actor that could fit into any period in history with her unique looks and presence. The Chanel spokeman said that “Keria would not look out of place in the “40s or 50s, and that’s why she was chosen- to show a timeless chic that will never fade”. Equally the use of the bottle what has been use many of times in Chanel perfumes shows that even though it has been around for ages will still remain to everyone as timeless object of desire. Finally another timeless piece is the shirt and bowler hat that I have had said before has been seen as an ageless sign of glamour also brings to the advert a timeless quality.

My second advert choice is secret obsession by Calvin Klein what is modelled by Eva Mendes. Yet again I have chosen to make a point about how the advert creates seduction and sexiness, Firstly Eva is seen to many men as a object of desire because of her curves and her sex appeal, this is pushed further by her being naked and posed in a seductive way with her mouth open and her hair that is meant to look like she has been thrown onto the bed, as well way that she is holding herself makes her look voluptuous. Additionally they way that the image has been taken in black and white takes us back to a time that is seen as classy were men were men and women were women, if this images use shot in colour it would be seen as seedy and unwholesome. Lastly the way that the perfume is called secret obsession also creates seduction and sexiness by they way that if this perfume was picked by a man for a women he would firstly think that she would become like Eva and also become his “secret obsession’.
My second point about this advert is how Calvin Klein’s designer Francisco Costa picked her to be the face of the perfume this is because he believes since she has been through a rough patch in her life that makes her a real face for women because she is not a just celebrity she is also a human being too. To carry on the theme of her being a real face to the customer is the way that she is not like other models and is seen a normal, curvy, healthy women and not stick thin what makes the customers “feel good” about themselves because they don’t have to be thin to look sexy and beautiful and agree with this ethos that they are going for in this advert. My last point about this how she is seen as a real face for the customers is that she is seen about her life to be a normal and this makes her in this advert to be appealing and delightful intend of sexually promiscuous.
Finally I think this advert creates glamour because of the use of a celebrity makes the product seem to be Glamorous to the customers, as well as way that the bottle is shaped like a gem of some sort and the way that it is shining in the middle makes it look temping and desirable to customers. The use of the font for Secret Obsession also is glamorous because it is colored to look gold what is usually a sign of wealth and glamour. Finally the use of a designer name also creates glamour because it is expensive and attractive to customers.

Thriller Questionaire.

This is the questionaire that i posted on facebook and myspace. I had written this questionaire for method 2 for mrs Barton because i wanted to know and understand what my target audience like in a thriller, so when it come to me making one i can get the best out of it:

• Going to university
• Enrolling on a vocational course
• Getting a job
• Travelling
• Other:

How often do you watch Thriller films?
• 1-2 a week
• Once a month
• Less:
• Never

How do you prefer to the watch the films?
• Cinema
• TV
• Computer
• Other:

How do you view Thriller films?
• Alone
• With friends or family
• Other:

What attracts you to the film?
• Director
• Actor
• Word of mouth
• Advertising Marketing
• Reviews
• Other:

What is your favourite type of Thriller film e.g. Action Thriller or Drama Thriller?

Do you prefer Old or New Thrillers?

Who is your favourite Thriller Actor or Actress?

Who is your favourite Director?

What is your favourite Thriller Film?

What is your favourite character in Thriller films?

What do you consider to be a good Thriller film?

Do you prefer British or American Thriller films?

What is your favourite British TV thriller e.g. Spooks, the Bill or silent witness?

How often do you watch British TV thrillers?